pequenos e coloridos | small and colorful

Pequenos e coloridos, foram o meu projecto desta semana. Umas horas a vasculhar na colecção de botões, porque os pequeninos ficam sempre escondidos pelos grandes e cá está o resultado final. A A. como sempre, com tudo o que faço, diz logo que quer para ela. Alguém pode desejar melhor admiradora que a própria filha :)
small and colorful, where my week project. After some hours looking through my buttons collection, because the small ones are always hidden by the large and there's the final result. A. as always, with everything I do, says that's for her. Can someone wish for a better fan than the own daughter :)
Available at the portuguese store (i can ship internationally, it's not worth it to put them on Etsy because they are very cheap).

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